For this guide, we’re going to look at joins, 1-to-many and many-to-many relations in Diesel. Each step in this guide will build on the previous, and is meant to be followed along.

This guide assumes that you have gone through the Getting Started Guide

New project

Let’s make a new project for this guide:

Generate a new project
cargo new --lib diesel_relations
cd diesel_relations

As before, let’s add Diesel and dotenvy to our dependencies.

Add dependencies
cargo add diesel --features "postgres"
cargo add dotenvy

Your Cargo.toml file should now contain entries similar to the following ones:

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diesel = { version = "2.1.0", features = ["postgres"] }
dotenvy = "0.15.6"

And a .env to point Diesel to the correct database.

echo DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@localhost/diesel_relations > .env

Now we can set up Diesel by running:

diesel setup

1-to-many or 1:m

We need to create two different objects that we want to connect, for the first 1-to-many example let’s create books and pages. A book can have many pages, but a page can only belong to a single book.


diesel migration generate create_books
diesel migration generate create_pages

Next, we’ll write the SQL for the book migration, which should be straight forward:

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The pages migration needs to point to the book they appear in, therefore we add a reference to the book to the migration:

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  page_number INT NOT NULL,
  content TEXT NOT NULL,

Let’s add the corresponding down migrations as well:

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and again for pages

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We can apply our new migration:

diesel migration run

Let’s make sure the down migrations are correct too:

diesel migration redo -n 2

The generated schema should now look like this:
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// @generated automatically by Diesel CLI.

diesel::table! {
    books (id) {
        id -> Int4,
        title -> Varchar,

diesel::table! {
    pages (id) {
        id -> Int4,
        page_number -> Int4,
        content -> Text,
        book_id -> Int4,

diesel::joinable!(pages -> books (book_id));


Diesel picked up on the foreign key references. It created a schema for us that has pages as joinable into books via the book_id and allows for the two to appear in the same query. This allows to join this table without specify an explicit ON clause. Diesel generates these joinable! instances only for cases where there is only a single relation between two tables based on a non-composite foreign key. All other cases require to specify an explicit the ON clause while constructing such joins.


Let’s reflect this now in our

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use diesel::prelude::*;

use crate::schema::{books, pages};

#[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, Selectable, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[diesel(table_name = books)]
pub struct Book {
    pub id: i32,
    pub title: String,

#[derive(Queryable, Selectable, Identifiable, Associations, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[diesel(table_name = pages)]
pub struct Page {
    pub id: i32,
    pub page_number: i32,
    pub content: String,
    pub book_id: i32,

Associations in Diesel are always child-to-parent. You can declare an association between two records with #[diesel(belongs_to)]. First we need to add #[derive(Associations)] , which will allow us to add #[diesel(belongs_to(Book))] to Page. That tells that pages belong to books and thereby reflect our 1-to-many relation.

By default diesel will assume that your struct contains a field with the lower case remote type name appended with _id. So for the given example book_id. If your foreign key field has a different name you can specify that via the foreign_key option: #[diesel(belongs_to(Book, foreign_key = book_id))]

Reading data

For ease of following this tutorial, we are going to put all the code into We create a separate function for each part of the guide. See the linked code for the complete file content.

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let momo = books::table

// get pages for a book
let pages = Page::belonging_to(&momo)

println!("Pages for \"Momo\": \n {pages:?}\n");

Page::belonging_to allows to query all child records related to one or more parent record. For the presented case it will load all pages for the book with the title “Momo”. This function generates a query for loading these data. It does not execute the query, so that it is possible to add additional clauses to the query later on. The generated query is equivalent to SELECT * FROM pages WHERE book_id IN(…) with a list of given book ids derived from the function input.

Loading all pages for a single book is a straight forward query, it becomes more complicated if we want to load all pages per book. This is a classic ORM problem, where frameworks sometimes run in the so called N+1 query problem. That problem describes cases where a framework naively loads all books first and then execute one query per book to receive the relevant pages. This approach is bad for performance because it executes an unbound number of queries.

Diesel’s associations API sidesteps that problem by providing a special tailored API for such cases:

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let all_books =;

// get all pages for all books
let pages = Page::belonging_to(&all_books)

// group the pages per book
let pages_per_book = pages
    .map(|(pages, book)| (book, pages))
    .collect::<Vec<(Book, Vec<Page>)>>();

println!("Pages per book: \n {pages_per_book:?}\n");

Here we use a similar construct as before to load all pages for a given list of books by constructing the relevant query via Page::belonging_to. The important difference to before is that we now pass a slice of books as argument. This will again construct the equivalent of the SELECT * FROM pages WHERE book_id IN(…) query as before. The important difference here is that we use the .grouped_by function to later group each page to the correct book. In total there are two queries executed in this code block, independently of the number of queried books and pages.


We have currently loaded all pages for a given book by using the API provided by the diesel::associations module. This API is designed to work for parent-child relations, but not the other way around. Using plain SQL joins is the preferred way to resolve such relations the other way around. Diesel provides two kinds of joins: INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN, where the former expects that linked elements always exist. The latter allows to include rows with missing linked elements. Both constructs load data by executing a single query.


QueryDsl::inner_join allows to construct INNER JOIN statements between different tables.

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let page_with_book = pages::table
    .select((Page::as_select(), Book::as_select()))
    .load::<(Page, Book)>(conn)?;

println!("Page-Book pairs: {page_with_book:?}");

QueryDsl::inner_join() modifies the constructed query to include a INNER JOIN clause based on the provided arguments. The ON clause of the join statement can be inferred based on the joinable! call in your file. In addition it’s possible to specify custom ON clauses via JoinDsl::on. If no explicit select clause is provided the constructed query will return a tuple of both default select clauses for both sides of the join. This can be deserialized to a rust tuple or any compatible type implementing Queryable.

It is possible to chain several joins to join multiple tables. The nesting of the joins controls which tables exactly are joined. This means the following two statements are not equal:


// Results in the following SQL
// SELECT * FROM users
// INNER JOIN posts ON = posts.user_id
// INNER JOIN comments ON = comments.post_id


// Results in the following SQL
// SELECT * FROM users
// INNER JOIN posts ON = posts.user_id
// INNER JOIN comments ON = comments.user_id

For joining the same table more than once, refer to the alias! macro to create distinct aliases.


QueryDsl::left_join allows to construct LEFT JOIN statements between different tables.

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let book_without_pages = books::table
    .select((Book::as_select(), Option::<Page>::as_select()))
    .load::<(Book, Option<Page>)>(conn)?;

println!("Book-Page pairs (including empty books): {book_without_pages:?}");

This works similar to QueryDsl::inner_join with the notable difference that any column returned form a joined table is considered to be nullable. This has several consequences:

  • A query like books::table.left_join(pages::table).load(conn) returns (Book, Option<Page>) or any compatible type
  • Explicit calls to QueryDsl::select require that any column that comes from the left joined table is annotated with a NullableExpressionMethods::nullable call. This function can be called for individual columns, expressions or tuples containing columns form left joined tables.

many-to-many or m:n

We currently have books and they have pages, but books have an author, too. To be precise, a book can have more than one author and an author can have more than one book. So we have a many-to-many relation here. Diesel does not have a concept of has_many but instead we are going create a “join table” books_authors and add a belongs_to to both books and authors. Let’s see that in action.


diesel migration generate create_authors
diesel migration generate create_books_authors

Let’s keep it simple and just give our authors a name.

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CREATE TABLE authors (

And the corresponding down migration.

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DROP TABLE authors;

The books_authors migration has two foreign keys which point to book’s id and the author’s id. This allows us to create a many-to-many relation between books and authors.

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CREATE TABLE books_authors (
  book_id INTEGER REFERENCES books(id),
  author_id INTEGER REFERENCES authors(id),
  PRIMARY KEY(book_id, author_id)

And the corresponding down migration.

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DROP TABLE books_authors;

Lastly, let’s run the migrations

Run the migrations
diesel migration run
diesel migration redo -n 2


Now let’s reflect the join table in the To keep this brief, let’s only look at what we are adding.

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use diesel::prelude::*;

use crate::schema::{books, pages, authors, books_authors};

#[derive(Queryable, Selectable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[diesel(table_name = authors)]
pub struct Author {
    pub id: i32,
    pub name: String,

#[derive(Identifiable, Selectable, Queryable, Associations, Debug)]
#[diesel(table_name = books_authors)]
#[diesel(primary_key(book_id, author_id))]
pub struct BookAuthor {
    pub book_id: i32,
    pub author_id: i32,

The important part is to give BooksAuthor two belongs_to that point to the book and the author.

Reading data

If we now want to load all books of a given author we can combine joins and diesels BelongingToDsl to load these data:

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let astrid_lindgren = authors::table
    .filter(authors::name.eq("Astrid Lindgren"))

// get all of Astrid Lindgren's books
let books = BookAuthor::belonging_to(&astrid_lindgren)
println!("Books by Astrid Lindgren: {books:?}");

As described before BookAuthor::belonging_to constructs a query to which we can chain other clauses. In this case we join the books table to include the relevant books and select only the columns relevant for populating the Book type. This results in loading all books for a given author.

The same approach can be applied the other way around, to load all authors for a given book:

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let collaboration = books::table
    .filter(books::title.eq("Pippi and Momo"))

// get authors for the collaboration
let authors = BookAuthor::belonging_to(&collaboration)
println!("Authors for \"Pippi and Momo\": {authors:?}");

As before we can use this approach to load a list of all authors and their associated books:

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let all_authors = authors::table

let books = BookAuthor::belonging_to(&authors)
    .select((BookAuthor::as_select(), Book::as_select()))

let books_per_author: Vec<(Author, Vec<Book>)> = books
    .map(|(b, author)| (author, b.into_iter().map(|(_, book)| book).collect()))

println!("All authors including their books: {books_per_author:?}");

As before we load all associated books by joining the books table to the query produced by BookAuthor::belonging_to. It is important to load the data from books_authors as well, as these data include the relevant mapping. The grouping is performed again with the .grouped_by method, similar to how this was done for the 1-to-n relations case. We now need to exclude the BookAuthor information in the final grouping step explicitly.

The final code for this tutorial can be found here.
